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(A Body, Soul & Spirit series)

By Dahni
© 2024, all rights reserved

   I never wanted to become a champion. I never worked my body as such. I never worked my soul as such. I never worked my spirit as such. I never put the three together. I had no real experience in any of these or personal teachers one-to-one and face to face to work out my personal best. Now at age 70, I am becoming a champion and as if out of nowhere, my teachers have been revealed to me.

Champions6  I did a search for a quote that I thought of, to no avail. My query line was, “Who said when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear?”

  It has been falsely attributed to Buddha. Nope it is not recorded that he ever said this. Perhaps it is a Buddhist proverb? But it is not from the Buddha.

  Is its origin Theosophical? OMB talk about word corruption or stealing. Theosophy by definition should simply mean, the study of God. The Greek word for God is Theos, by the way. But theosophy has been stolen and corrupted by the occult. It has increasingly become secular, globalized, and with scientific elements in the world. Theosophy now includes Spiritualism, Spiritism, Wicca, and the New Age milieu.

   Theosophy also includes Gnosticism. Gnosticism, is any of various related philosophical and religious movements, prominent in the Greco-Roman world in the early Christian era, particularly the 2nd century. The designation of Gnosticism is a term of modern scholarship. It was first used by the English poet and philosopher of religion, Henry More (1614–87). He applied it to the religious groups referred to in ancient sources as gnostikoi (Greek: “those who have gnosis, or ‘knowledge’). Well there is another corrupted word. From the Greek ginóskó, it means, experiential knowledge.

   Is it an ancient Greek proverb? I couldn’t find one.

   In a 1914 periodical, ‘The Herald of the Star’ (a publication of a Theosophical organization, “The Order of the Star in the East”), we’re told of various occult Orders. They would like the world to believe that they have always existed in the world and have expressed this in the words—

“When the pupil is ready, the Master will appear.”

Nice try, but still no definite attribution

  In 1918, the Theosophy magazine wanted us to have this—

“When the disciple is ready, the Master will appear.”

Good effort, but no definite attribution

  In a Masonic publication from 1922, ‘The New Age magazine’, we also read—

“It is said, in what is called Occultism that when the pupil is ready the Master will appear.”

   Who said this in Occultism? Nope, no definite attribution!

   Aha! Eureka, I’ve found it? Dated in 1886,  a work called ‘Light on the Path’, by Mabel Collins. The third edition, is on Google Books. It was presumably published at least a year earlier. Check this out—


From page 48 of ‘Light on the Path’, by Mabel Collins.

   But, nay, no, not so fast! The title page of the book is inscribed “Written down by M.C., Fellow of the Theosophical Society.”

   Why do we read “written down by” rather than “written by”?

   Theosophists claim to be in contact with “Masters” in the East who dictated works to them. Oh, like spirit mediums? According to Mabel Collins she did NOT write this book and it is NOT her quote. She is just the Stenographer of the Masters to the Awakened? Seriously? She talks to devil spirits (familiar spirits). Nope, no, no definite attribution.

   I‘m tired of this evil nonsense. So I asked Chat GPT, my AI (artificial intelligence) assistant.

Me Asking Chat GPT 6/24/2024


Chat GPT’s response to me 6/24/2024


Me to Chat GPT 6/24/2024


Chat GPT’s final response to me 6/24/2024

“When the Athlete is ready, the Master Trainer will appear.”


   Feel free to change the words around and use this for your purposes. But for my purposes here, this quote belongs to me. How do you suppose champions are made, without a teacher or a trainer?

   The Bible is full of these dynamic relationships like Jesus Christ to his disciples. He did not just sit around quoting stuff. He was a master at show and tell; to teach and show.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

John 14:12 King James Version (KJV)

   There are many examples of teach and show in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Moses and Aaron, David and his son Solomon, Paul and Timothy and there are many more examples.

   What about Paul the apostle, was he a master teacher? He wrote and taught the book of Ephesians, which contained the greatest revelation ever written to the church, the Mystery. This was so incredible that according to Colossians Chapter 1 and verse twenty-five—

“Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation (administration) of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;”

Colossians 1:25 KJV

   How about that, “to fulfill the Word of God!”

   Who did Paul teach and show first? He first taught it to the saints (they were alive not dead). A saint is the highest representative that one nation can send to other nations. Where were they?

“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,
to the saints which are at Ephesus…”

Ephesians 1:1a KJV

   The Mystery and this revelation in Ephesians, was it just for the saints at Ephesus? They would all be dead now. Was it written to anyone else?

“…and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:”

Ephesians 1:1b KJV

   This does not say perfect. It says “faithful.”

   What about me? If I am one of the “faithful” what else does this say to me?

“Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Ephesians 1:2-5 KJV

   Read the above many times. Read it from many translations. Work every word. Get a concordance. What is the significance of numbers in scripture? Look up the numbers used in scriptures, the prayers and look for literal translations.

   God knew me in his foreknowledge and prepared to work with me when Lucifer tried to overthrow the heavens and was cast out to earth. His was the original sin, not Adam’ or Eve’s. He is only the god of this world not the cosmos. But I am no longer his. I have been bought with a price.

   God knew me and prepared for me to one day be born again, as a true child of His. He also foreknew to adopt me and gave me more rights, than that of even a genetic offspring. An adopted child is chosen whereas a child of the flesh might not be. Maybe I was an accident, dropped off by the Gypsies, found under a rock?😂 But God knew me brefore the foundations of the cosmos and the earth and He knew I would believe. He chose me because He loves me and knew I would believe. I am His champion in the making. 

   Look up rights and crowns and see what we have and what is prepared for us to manifest right now in this life and what is but a “token” of all He has prepared for us.

   I bow my knees to God and I cry out— Abba Father! This is the most personal name for God. Only a few of us can use this name, we the faithful in Christ. The word Abba is used only three times in the Word:

Once Jesus Christ said it and he could — Mark 14:36
Once — Romans 8:15 context is the adopted sons (children) because we can
Once — Galatians 4:6 because God’s spirit in us can (speak in tongues)

   God and I are one with one another, He with me and me with Him. I am His and He is mine. I count it grace that He has chosen me, adopted me by his choice and by my choice, when I accepted His gift of holy spirit and by my choice, decide to be faithful in Christ.

   Ephesians is my revelation just as much as to the the saints at Ephesus and the apostle Paul, which wrote it, according to the will of our God.

   I am a man whose body has a master trainer and my soul has a master trainer and my spirit has a master trainer. I am being made ready to be a champion athlete of the spirit and—

“When the Athlete is ready, the Master Trainer will appear.”


   He has!

In this series, Next time I will reveal my Master trainer of my 70 year old body

      Now if you want to dispute any of this, Go for it, but I did not write the Bible, I am just…


…a witness.
